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Welcome to our website. Please take the time to get to know who are and what C-LET can do for you!

Rev. Christopher H. Neely,

President, BCMC

Chair - C-LET Board of Directors

Message from the President

The Centre for Leadership, Education and Training (C-LET) is a unique school in The Bahamas and features many ‘firsts’ for the Bahamas Conference of the Methodist Church.

The School aims to make education and training available to both adults and young people. One aspect of its unique mission is the professional level of the Courses offered and the opportunity for students to learn theory and practice at the same time; in fact, integration and application are key ingredients in all courses.

C-LET offers students the opportunity to grow and develop spiritually, personally and academically. It is in many ways a life changing experience and I feel that very soon, this institution will become a vehicle of change in Bahamian Society.

I am pleased, as President of the Methodist Church in The Bahamas, to open our doors to men and women of all ages, all denominations, and all races. I know what we offer is timely and very much needed. Please join us in this exciting journey of discovery and growth.

Rev. Christopher H. Neely, President, BCMC

Dr. Reginald W. Eldon

Dean, C-LET

Message from the Dean

I am pleased that you have visited our Website. Thank you for spending this time with us.


The Centre for Leadership, Education and Training is one of the best places to grow, learn and develop. We believe that everyone can grow no matter how old or how young they may be. We believe everyone can improve their leadership abilities no matter who they are. We believe everyone has something significant to contribute and that everyone can contribute to making the world a better place.


If you want to grow spiritually, if you want to grow personally, if you want to explore your areas of giftedness, I invite you to consider joining our C-LET family.


Dr. Reginald W. Eldon
Dean, C-LET

"I took my first step and because of this I am seeking ways to better my community and helping to transform leaders/people into positive roles for the development of the community." - Mrs. Kimberley Bodie, 2011 Graduate, Community Development and Transformation.

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