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Certificate Courses

Students having to travel by Air 

$100.00 for each weekend class.
Students not having to travel    

$150.00 for each weekend class
The cost includes: Text books, meals as noted above and Registration. Fees may be paid each Quarter or in one installment for the year. Please make Cheques payable to C-LET.

Churches are encouraged to assist with the cost and travel.

Diploma In Ministry


The cost for Diploma in Ministry Classes average between $1,200 and $1,500.00 per Semester. The classes at Course of Study at Wesley and Candler Seminaries are an additional cost averaging $1,500.00 - $2,000.00 (including Travel costs and Medical Insurance). Fees are due at the beginning and before the end of the semester.

"I knew that I needed all the help that I could get.  With CLET resource materials like “Reaching Out” by Henri J. M. Nowen, and “How to think Theologically” by Howard W. Stone & James O. Duke, and the superb line-up of fully qualified course instructors orchestrated by Dr. Reginald Eldon, I was shocked into reality in the most pleasant way imaginable – being exposed to University level in-depth studies in leadership." - Michael Knowles, Epworth Chapel Methodist Church, Cherokee Sound, Abaco, 2011 Church Leadership Graduate

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